Saturday, November 17, 2012

Masonry heater pictures: Adirondack stone and soapstone. Glover, Vermont

Masonry heater with Adirondack stone and soapstone.

1 piece @ 400 lbs needs to be on top.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Thin stone veneer projects and custom hearth spaces in Vermont

Block chimney with Norstone veneer:

Walkout basement with New England Thinstone:

Small brick hearth: 

Fireplace remodel with Norstone, Soapstone, Wood mantle and custom cabinetry:

Used brick and Bluestone hearth:

Interior finish woodwork, American Clay, and Norstone details:

Rebuilt chimney top with California Stucco and concrete cap:

Arched stone masonry hearth pictures from Williamstown, Vermont

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pictures of Masonry heater, Rumford fireplace, and chimney: Stone and American Clay. Cabot, VT

 Stone Chimney top 

Masonry Heater with second coat of American Clay

Rumford Fireplace after second coat of American Clay

Masonry stove (pre-clay plastering)

From the side: masonry stove, Rumford fireplace, and chimney

Rumford fireplace stonework